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Posts published in May 2019

Get to know those in your community

The lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. and bingo will start at about 12:15 p.m. The meal and games are free and open to the public,…

Playing Bingo Online

What could be simpler and more interesting in gambling than bingo! This game is recognized as one of the most popular around the world. And…

Bingo And Its Strategies: Do They Exist?

Some people are chasing easy money, others are trying to adrenaline, the other gamers are just looking for themselves. Recently the bingo game is … Source:…

Rose Festival opens four-day run in Roselle

The annual four-day prelude to pools and picnics will bring carnival rides, musical entertainment, bingo games and the Rose Parade to the village. Source: Bingo…

Business Association plans scholarship giveaway

Newly elected President, Joan Falls says she wants to do another bingo fundraiser to help raise more money to be given towards student scholarships … Source:…