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Posts published in March 2020

Resident restrictions

At Persimmon Ridge, activities include “hall bingo.” Residents position themselves in the doorways of their rooms with their bingo cards while numbers … Source: Bingo News

Two from Troy: 'Troylet paper' cake, takeout bingo

2) Also, 24 Troy businesses are participating in a new promotion called Troy Takeout Bingo, organized by Franklin Alley Social Club. Participating … Source: Bingo News

Connecting with family

GOTR BINGO encourages children and families to stay active and come up with creative ways to stay fit, stay positive and help their communities. Source:…

Staying connected, fit with Newton YMCA

YMCA Director of Operations Hannah Bartlett also has started a Stranded but Strong Bingo game, Hughes said. Functioning like traditional Bingo, … Source: Bingo News

Beating the COVID-19 blues

We play Bingo from the doorways. We're playing ball, throwing it down the hall. We have a book-mobile and arts and crafts.” Duplechin said they…

Norway extends online-only bingo window to 13 April

Norway's gambling regulator Lotteri-og stiftelsestilsynet (Lotteritilsynet) has announced that bingo hall operators will be able to offer their games … Source: Bingo News