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Bingo in Las Vegas

Nursing home goes for world bingo record

A Louisiana nursing home attempted to break the world record for longest continuous game of bingo last week, as a way to celebrate the Summer ……

Senior edition

EATON — The senior center will be closed, Wednesday, July 4. Breakfast Bingo: Friday, July 6, we will have our monthly breakfast bingo at The ……

6.27 Community Calendar

Bingo— 6-8 p.m., Knights of Columbus, 17 3rd St. NE, Faribault. Tutoring for adults– 6-8 p.m., Washington Community Center, 117 Shumway Ave., … Source: Bingo News

Hillman Auxiliary helps celebrate birthdays

They helped play Bingo with those that needed help and serve cake and ice cream. Pictured are Auxiliary members Del Kapsner, Linda Blaisdell, … Source: Bingo…